When we decide to go big on Friday Night Game Night, we don’t mess around. We embrace the BIGNESS, the GRANDIOSITY. This past Friday, HSN’s new hit show invited none other than Shaquille O’Neal – ShaqDaddy! ShaqFu! The Big Diesel! A Million Other Nicknames! — to play Guess What He Said.
Because FNGN producers Jeni Drozd and Paul Moore are borderline insane (but brilliant), we asked the 7-foot-1 basketball icon such delirious questions as: “Would you rather eat a gallon of mayonnaise or a pound of butter?” Watch Shaq’s round of “Guess What He Said” to see that queasy answer.
That wasn’t our only high adrenaline game of the night, things hit a new peak when one of our very own HSN Community members, deeklez of the group Just Playing Around, was a contender for “Grab It.” Watch her mastery in action!
It’s tough to get bigger than the NBA legend, but we’re giving it a shot: On Oct. 2, one of the prizes on FNGN will be – wait for it, wait for it — a 2015 Ford Edge. That’s right: I might get to say “You’ve just won A BRAND NEW CAR!!!” (I really want to say that.)
Like I said: We go BIG on Friday Night Game Night. So tune in this Friday – 8:30! 9:30! 10:30! EST — to watch someone try to win that BRAND NEW CAR! Until then, get behind-the-scenes scoop on Instagram (@seandalytv) and Twitter (@seandalypoplife). Oh, and if you’re talking about the show on social media, use the hashtags #FridayNightGameNight and #FNGN!
Now if you were in Shaq’s shoes what would you rather eat? The gallon of mayo or the pound of butter?!