HSN Blogs QA

HSN, Game Night in GQ Magazine!


Before I became the host of HSN’s Friday Night Game Night, I was a newspaper writer, primarily a music critic, at the Tampa Bay Times and the Washington Post. In the weeks before I made the jump to one of the largest cable networks in the country – the most head-dizzying leap of my life, no less – I was contacted by an editor at GQ magazine. He needed a freelance piece done; a mutual friend had suggested me. Turns out I didn’t have time to write that one – a satirical look at spring break rituals in the Florida Panhandle – but we forged a friendship nevertheless. Recently, Nick the Editor was looking for stories for the magazine’s Body Issue; perhaps because my body is a complete wreck, he reached out to me. By then, I was, in fact, locked into the life of a game-show host. He said: “Perfect.”


So: Here’s a link to my latest work for GQ. At first, the story may seem very specific; for better or worse, not many people grow up to be game show hosts. And yet, the story – which may make you cringe and laugh at the same time – is very much about all of us. We all get older. We all have days when the bathroom mirror, which doesn’t care what you do for a living, can be cruel. Nick the Editor wanted me to be open about all of that: In this day of social-media frenzy, and pop-cultural dominance, and HSN being a huge part of so many people’s lives, what was it like to be a 45-year-old guy finally getting the biggest break of his life – and having that break broadcast EVERYWHERE?



In the story, I reference both of the pictures you see in this post. One is that freeze-frame from the Ford promo (yikes); the other is of me wearing a significant amount of makeup (I love makeup). It’s okay. You can totally chuckle. I’m good with that. In fact, that’s the very point of the story. If we don’t laugh at life’s twists, we’re big in trouble.


Here’s to a happy and healthy 2016 for all of you.


I, for one, think you’re beautiful.



Sean Daly


You can follow Sean on Instagram (@seandalytv), Twitter (@seandalypoplife), Snapchat (search: seansdaly) and Facebook.