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If you consider yourself a skin care guru than you’re probably already well aware of the power of retinoids for treating the signs of aging skin, but if that word doesn’t ring a bell, it’s time to tune in. Retinoids have been around for decades and they are one of the few treatments that almost every dermatologist will stand behind for their efficacy to reduce fine lines, smooth texture and balance skin tone. But when it comes to using retinoids, it pays to know the process.
Retinoids are derived from Vitamin A. One of the most commonly known types of retinoids is retinol.  Retinol relies on tretinoin, also known as retinoic acid, to give a treatment its magical ability to tighten skin and ease wrinkles. Many people may recall one of the more popular brands of retinoic acid, an acne treatment called Retin-A. Today Over-the-counter treatments options with retinol are plentiful but it’s important to scrutinize the formula.
Many non-prescription formulas, ie. over-the-counter treatments, consist of poorly stabilized trans-retinol. Trans-retinol can quickly degenerate in a container before even reaching our skin or it can be at too high a dosage and cause negative effects. Learning the language of skin care can be confusing and frustrating, and that’s why we were so glad when we discovered the clear explanation behind Beauty Bioscience’s R-45 System.
The R-45 System takes into account the natural property of retinoic acid to cause mild irritation and it combines that knowledge with an understanding of our skin’s biology. Any new treatment we first apply to our skin should be done in small dosages to allow our skin cells time to adapt to the new change. R-45 comes as a titration therapy with three separate treatments that have slowly increasing levels of retinol to be used over the course of weeks and months. You only move up to the next strength level of retinol once your skin has returned to homeostasis with the initial treatment. The ability of R-45 to customize the intensity of a retinol treatment isn’t it’s only benefit. The pure form of retinol used in this titration therapy means that our skin is receiving a potent medicine that won’t spoil before use.
Here are some important tips to keep in mind when using retinol:
1. It Can Cause Peeling
The effects of skin’s peeling will resemble tiny tissue paper bits of skin flaking off. This is normal but avoid the mouth, eye, and nostril areas due to this effect and to minimize discomfort.
2. Be Kind To Skin
When you begin treatment your skin will be a bit inflamed. It’s best to discontinue using rough exfoliants or other hyaluronic acid treatments during this time. The Beauty Bioscience R-45 System Set comes with a specifically formulated Cleanser that will gently cleanse and soothe skin throughout treatment.
3. Use A Daily SPF
Retinoids can cause skin to become more photosensitive so that means, even if you aren’t someone who typically burns in the sun, you should definitely apply a SPF 30 sunscreen to your face. Plus, this is just a good idea for preventing any new signs of aging in skin!
4. Be Patient With Change
Retinoids are extremely effective treatments for combating the signs of aging in skin but they don’t work overnight. Your skin may experience new blemishes or redness from treatment but the results will appear a few months later.
5. A Little Goes A Long Way
Always apply dosages according to the directions on your specific over the counter product or prescription. A small amount of retinoids can go a long way, and over application can cause negative effects.
Have you ever tried a retinoids treatment before? What was your experience?