A Delicious Pink Beet Smoothie Recipe To Help You Detox

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There are a number of reasons to drink a healthy smoothie every morning (or every afternoon for that matter). They are quick and easy to make (especially if you have a Nutribullet blender!), great for any detox, and help you on your way to consuming the recommended daily allowance of fruits and veggies.


This recipe, especially, will quickly help you hit that quota, as it packs a serving of avocado, berries, beets and apple, and more than half a serving of celery. Culinary at its finest!



  • Nutribullet blender
  • ¼ medium Avocado
  • 1 stalk(s) Celery
  • ½ cup(s) Strawberries
  • ½ Beet
  • 2 tbsp. Lemon Juice
  • 1 tsp. Coconut Oil
  • ½ Apple
  • Ice Cubes
  • Coconut Water to the max line on the Nutribullet cup



With the Nutribullet, you simply add the ingredients, secure the lid, then tip over and blend. However, it is good to layer the items so that everything mixes perfectly.

  1. Add your ice. Frozen foods should always go in first. The amount of ice used can vary by personal preference, but try four cubes to start. You can always add more. Additionally, you can freeze your berries for an extra thick shake;
  2. Add berries, celery, the beet, the apple and the avocado.
  3. Pour in lemon juice, add the teaspoon of coconut oil, and then fill with coconut water to the Nutribullet’s max line.
  4. Sure the lid, turn it over, and blend until it is a smooth consistency.


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