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3 Ways To Successfully Drop Hints for Valentine’s Day

Some guys are naturally gifted when it comes to finding the perfect gift for Valentine’s Day, and some just need a little extra help. Now that February is here, it’s the perfect time to start dropping little hints about this so that he’ll snag just what you’re hoping for this Valentine’s Day. Whether it’s something sparkly, something sweet, or something scented, there are a few easy ways to drop the hint for your man.

1. Mark it in Your Favorite Magazine

Maybe you’ve picked out the perfect perfume, like this one, and you’re searching for the right way to help him see that it’d make just the right gift on February 14. Keep an eye out for an ad for it in your favorite magazine and casually leave it open to that page somewhere he might notice (you could even dog-ear the page, just in case he doesn’t get your hint). Maybe it’s on the end table by the couch, or on top of the spot where you stack the day’s mail, but a spot where he wouldn’t usually find an open magazine might make it stand out.

2. Leave a Little Note

I’m a big fan of sticky notes, so why not use them to hint towards just the right gift? Maybe you’re hoping for something sweet, like chocolate and peanut butter, leave a bright pink post-it stuck somewhere mentioning something about your favorite kind of sweet treat. You could even create your own little puzzle for him to solve, to add a little extra whimsy to your hints.

3. Go Window Shopping

Find your way to your favorite set of shops, just to do a little wandering. While you’re there, you might as well point out a few pretty things that might make you happy this Valentine’s day. If you see something sparkly that catches your eye, let him know that’s something you’d love to be able to wear. Hopefully he’ll catch the hint you’re dropping.

And of course, if all your subtle hints fall flat, you can always tell him exactly what’s on your wish list! Here’s to lots of love, laughs, and all the right gifts this Valentine’s Day.